Underworld Wiki
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The Death Dealers Uniform is a standard-issue combat attire currently mandatory throughout the Death Dealers.


The Death Dealers uniform is a specially designed suit capable of withstanding the claws and fangs of Lycans and Werewolves. Though they often resemble ordinary forms of clothing, the material is shown to able absorb extreme amounts of force such as bullets at close range and can even absorb explosive impacts.


Over the centuries, Death Dealers weapons have gradually become more sophisticated as time and technology has moved on. This is arguably shown best in the Death Dealers uniforms which have seen major alterations over the ages.

Medieval Uniform[]

In Rise of the Lycans, the Death Dealers are shown to look far bulkier and more primitive than their later day equivalents, being very similar to a knight's armor.

Modern Day Uniform[]

In modern times, the Death Dealer uniform has been updated and modernized now resembling skintight latex bodysuits rather than obvious armor. Despite its frail appearance it is extremely hard to damage.




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